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How Can Upload Page Turn eBook by Dropbox

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I don't have my own website, and I do not wish my page turn eBook to be in A-PDF server, what should I do? Because I often use the Dropbox to do some uploading works. May I use Dropbox to upload the page turn eBook?


If you often use the Dropbox, you will be very clear of using the uploading feature. After conversion in A-PDF FlipBook Maker from PDF to page turn eBook, you can output the HTML version ebook for uploading.

Firstly, copy all outputting HTML flip book files;

Secondly, Open your Dropbox and sign in, then you can check your Dropbox floder;

Thirdly, Paste all HTML flipbook outputting files under Public folder;

Right clicking and copy the uploaded flipbook URL, you can paste to browser for online viewing.

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